Tuesday, February 20, 2024

February 20

Almost a month since my last post. I'm making progress towards getting papers out the door, but nothing submitted yet. 

I need to get things into gear in the next few days. If I get too far into March, it'll be too late.

Let's just fucking go for it. Let me reach out for what I really want in life: to be a rock star. At science and at music. Let me not take "no" for an answer.

Isn't that what I'm really driven to do?

Thursday, January 25, 2024

January 25

January is almost over. 

I need to kick things into high gear if I'm going to get any papers submitted. 




I will put one foot in front of the other.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

December 19

A few months to go before I submit my dossier.

Listening to Arctic Monkeys reminds me of the time I spent in Italy. Wonderful trip. Let me make something out of that conference presentation.

I need to pick the five papers that represent my best work. I need to have 5 rock solid items.

  1. CoffeeBots is the one no-brainer.
  2. Chemokinesis is a likely one. It's a neat piece of work that I can tie directly into the Trailblazer work. It's a distinct possibility.
  3. The other ones are tough. I would very, very much like to include the follow-up experimental paper on AHTF here. 
  4. It would be nice to also include either the AOPs work, since I originated that project in David Warsinger's parents' living room/kitchen, or something on the IPF work that involves microswimmers. 
  5. Maybe something with Sajad as well. Either the J. Mol. Liq. paper or, ideally, the follow-up one on the novel data center design concept.
Make the 80% of days the ones you get to work on time and put in an honest day's labor. 

Saturday, November 4, 2023

November 4

Quick post tonight to say that I have a fire in my belly. 

Laurie said something last week that inspired me. "You don't have kids." As a way of saying "what are you waiting for?"

I wish to honor my true self. All the past few weeks, months, and years are coming down to this. May I lose the fear of looking foolish. May I embrace the confidence of Paul Hollywood and Arnold Schwarzenegger. May I take good care of myself and make things better for others who are suffering in the world. May I read widely, curiously, carefully, critically (including Arnold's new book). There is plenty of work to be done.

Let me live like my life depends on it.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

October 21

A month later than my previous post, I look back fondly on the trip to Italy. I feel that I did indeed get some good recharging in. With J gone since the 11th, I've enjoyed having the house (and my schedule) to myself. It's good to do once in a while. I've gotten to play a bunch of gigs, netting myself some extra cash. I've gotten to get some exercise. And the CoffeeBots paper was accepted!

Had a gig with Peter and Tom at LACH this evening. We sounded especially good during the first set tonight. I'm pleased with my playing. Take-aways:

1) Try to listen to how the whole group sounds. Is it what we want people to be hearing? In this particular case, we wanted coffeehouse jazz: smooth, but with a spring in its step.

2) Wearing the hat made me bolder and more confident. I need to do things that get me in that mode.

3) Connected with #1 and #2, I thought a bit less than normal about my solo ideas, and they just came. Naturally.

Tomorrow, I have the privilege of the day to myself. May I use it well, and do the work I need to do and also get some time to truly recharge my body, mind, and soul.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

September 22

Here I am on the opposite side of the earth from where I usually am. I have the treasure of two unfettered days in the Murano and Venice regions to myself. May I use them to recharge.

A note of inspiration tonight came from Arctic Monkeys. They make me want to work hard and always stay true to myself. I visualize myself giving my own P&T seminar in about a year's time. May I speak from a place of deep ambition and proudly display my life's work up to that point. May I put in the work that Alex Turner et al. undoubtedly put into their music. 

May I do myself justice.

Monday, August 14, 2023

August 14

Once again, summer has blown by. It was reasonably productive for me - I got some papers submitted (and resubmitted), and also submitted the CAREER. I visited Seattle, Charlottesville, and Denver. Things were not perfect; I let work creep in when it shouldn't have. I didn't start planning my course until very recently. But I've also had some good moments. 

In any case, I am here and it is now. I sit on the cusp of my final full year on the tenure track before I need to submit my package. In some ways, I've been more successful than I thought I would be, especially in getting grant funding. In other ways, I have not quite gotten where I want to be yet, especially in publishing papers that I am leading. That has proven to be difficult.

So I will just lay it all on the line this school year. I am going to get started soon, and submit at least 4 papers before the year's end. Especially in (1) IPF, (2) AHTF, (3) DNA nanoswimmers. This will get me started toward my life's work: to use my scientific training and intelligence to develop engineering solutions that help us address climate change and disease.

I pledge to start an aggregation of small improvements. Starting with writing from 9-10 in the morning, every day, during the school year. No phone. Door closed. No email.